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- Source: Huntsville Times
- Junior [James] Pittman, a 60 year old retired military man, now farmer, lost a
- 10 year old 1,100 lb. Holstein cow in the early morning of Feb 9, 1996. His
- comment was, "It's weird and it don't make no sense -- what would anybody want
- with a cow, as cheap as they are today? They're going for about 16 cents a
- pound, just giving 'em away, up in Tennessee. What would anybody want with a
- neck bone?"
- "Foggy, damp, overcast," said Pittman, citing the ideal weather conditions for
- such covert operations. "That's when they do their dirty work. That's when this
- happened."
- Sue Pitts, the assistant state director for MUFON, from Huntsville,
- investigated the scene. She [found] an 8 inch deep, 6 inch wide, 8-1/2 inch
- long incision at the base of the [cow's] neck.
- But who did this? What caused this, another dead animal in an area beleaguered
- by more than 30 cow mutilations in 1992 and 1993?
- "This happens all over the world," said Ms. Pitts. "It's not exclusively Sand
- Mountain."
- "There was some question on that one (the Pittman cow), that it was something
- besides a predator," said Marshall County Sheriff Mac Holcomb. "As to what, who
- knows?"
- James Pittman doesn't think aliens killed his cow. He thinks someone passed
- over his pasture, snuck through the night in a helicopter with a silent,
- sophisticated motor, and started another rash of cow mutilations.
- Since Pittman's cow was killed, two more cows have been found dead in Marshall
- County, one near Boaz and another one in a community called Asbury, near
- Albertville. Sheriff Mac Holcomb's investigators concluded that the latest cow
- deaths were not the result of [surgical] mutilations.
- "A perfectly round incision," said Milton Rains, the Asbury farmer who found
- his cow dead last Tuesday morning [Feb 20]. "It wasn't done by dogs, either. I
- don't believe a predator could have cut an incision as round as that one was."
- Junior Pittman could not explain the lack of smell and blood where the cow was
- found. He could not figure out why rigor mortis hadn't set in four days after
- death. There weren't any tracks, footprints or cow tracks near the mud-stained
- scene.
- "I don't want to say UFOs," Junior Pittman said. "It wasn't devil worshippers
- or gangs. It was quick and quiet, the way they did it. It (a UFO) is a
- possibility."
- Ms. Jaci Pittman discovered the cow by the pond. That morning about 8 a.m.,
- when she heard a calf hollering, she went over to the calf, and she saw the
- dead cow 50 yards away with the hole in its neck, sprawled in the mud and
- water.
- Phyllis Baldwin, a family friend and a nurse in Fort Payne said, "They injected
- her. They took all the blood. There was no clotting or blood in the belly."
- Pittman said, "The skin was smooth," describing the area inside the wound. "...
- even with a good steady hand, you couldn't do it that good." He commented it
- looked like a laser beam had done it.
- "They went into her neck, behind the jawbone," said Milton Rains, describing
- his dead cow. "That blood hadn't clotted, and she'd been dead 12 to 48 hours.
- There was no sign of anything on the ground."
- Pittman said he woke up around 2:30 that morning and heard a helicopter going
- over in that direction. "I didn't think anything of it. It was a quiet
- helicopter. In Vietnam, you could hear a helicopter a long time before it got
- to you." He says that wasn't a military helicopter he heard on the morning of
- Feb. 9. A blue and white helicopter has been spotted by the Pittmans over their
- pasture before.
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